» News » Fabulous performance of Lord of the flies

Fabulous performance of Lord of the flies

17 March 2022  |  Jill Lundberg  |  Posted in:

We are pleased to share photographs from our recent Theatre Group production of ‘Lord of the Flies’ at the Georgian Theatre Royal. Students from Year 7,8 and 9 put on a fantastic performance, telling the story of a group of school children who find themselves alone on a deserted island. They develop rules and a system of organisation, but without adults there to provide a mature influence, the children eventually become violent and brutal.

Miss Heslop, Drama Teacher and Director of the show, said: “The students only started rehearsing at the end of January and they have really shown a level of maturity, resilience, excellence and commitment. It has been a team effort with students taking leadership roles, designing every element of the performance from directing to costumes. For some, this was their first public performance since the pandemic and for others, they had never performed before! While at the Georgian Theatre, the group demonstrated a great level of stage discipline and etiquette which shows that some are serious about progressing further within the performing arts industry. I am immensely proud of each and every student, both on and off stage. It was a very difficult text to explore for our first performance but they did it with such ease!”

There are already plans for the group’s next performance where the group are intending to write the script and create a performance completely from scratch, focusing on the style Theatre In Education. The piece will be about a young child in Year 6 who is terrified about moving into Year 7 and it aims to educate young children about secondary school and any concerns they have. Actors will take the audience on a journey through expectation versus reality.

Well done to everyone involved – we can’t wait to see your next production.

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