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school performance

Below you can find our Performance Results

headline figures 2024/25

Key Stage 4

In the previous three years, the progress our students make from their starting point in Year 7 to the end of Year 11 has been graded as consistently above the national average and our most recent progress 8 score is +0.16.

Progress 8 Score +0.16 -0.03
Attainment 8 47.8 45.9
Grade 4 or above in English and Maths 74.3% 65%
Grade 5 or above in English and Maths 51.4% 45.9%
English Baccalaureate Entry 57.5% 40.4%
English Baccalaureate (EBacc) average point score (APS) 4.41 4.07
Destination (2022 Leavers)
Sustained education, employment or training 97% 93%
Sustained education 81% 86%
Further Education 19% 35%
School Sixth From 35% 36%
Sixth Form College 14% 13%
Other Education 1% 2%
Apprenticeships 10% 3%
Employment 7% 4%
Destination not sustained 2% 6%
Activity not captured 1% 1%

Key Stage 5

Students in Sixth Form make more progress than similar students nationally. In 2017, Ofsted stated that the outcomes over time for both vocational and academic courses are strong. The number of students continuing their studies from the beginning of Year 12 to the end of Year 13 is higher than the national average, with very few students leaving their courses before the end.

Students staying in education 67% 45%
Students entering apprenticeships 8% 7%
Students entering employment 16% 28%
Students not in education or employment 4% 15%
Destination Unknown 5% 5%
LV3A +0.09
Average Grade B-
Average Point Score 35.4
Applied General
Average Grade Distinction=
Average Point Score 33.8
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