Four students from Richmond School and Sixth Form College recently joined students from other local schools at an ‘Employment for All’ careers event at The Station Richmond.
The networking event, which was part of Richmond School’s Careers Education Programme led by Ruth Hamer, was organised by NYBEP. It was relaxed and informal and was aimed at encouraging more routes to employment for young people with special educational needs or disabilities. The group were accompanied by Mr. Milman, the newly appointed SENCo for Richmond School and Kath Lawson, Lead for Inclusion at the Areté Learning Trust.
In ‘Employment is Everyone’s Business’ the DfE states that “the overwhelming majority of young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are capable of sustainable paid employment, with the right preparation and support”. Therefore events like this support schools in ensuring that young people with SEND are better prepared for life after compulsory education draws to a close. The key considerations outlined in the guide include raising aspirations, creating vocational profiles and work experience.
Students were given opportunities to talk with representatives from local businesses about their work and opportunities in their industries as well as hearing from an inspirational local entrepreneur. There was also a chance to look around and find out more about The Station itself and the students were given a demonstration of how to use sign language. Wensleydale Creamery, ‘Just the Job’ Environmental Enterprises, Draken Aero, Tesco and Digfin were all represented.
Students were encouraged to share their own ambitions and aspirations and provide feedback for future events. All students had some idea of what they would like to do in the future and it is hoped that this feedback will help NYBEP with the planning of future events, but more importantly feed into planning for the future of the students post 16.
Miss. Pemberton, Lead for Careers across the Arete Learning Trust said ‘We are continuously working to make our careers education programme as high impact as possible to meet the needs of our students with SEND. We are fortunate to have such a professional and passionate team to make these opportunities available to our students and I am looking forward to seeing the progression of the programme across the trust.’
Thank you to Kath Lawson and Mr. Millman for accompanying the students, and of course to our 4 students for engaging so well with the event.