» News » Suspension of extra-curricular clubs during lockdown

Suspension of extra-curricular clubs during lockdown

03 November 2020  |  Jill Lundberg  |  Posted in: ,

Following the latest government advice, we have made the tough decision to suspend all our extra-curricular clubs, including sport, dance, drama and music, until the end of the national lockdown. After-school academic intervention will continue while we are able. We feel this is the safest thing to do in the current climate. Please be assured that we will reinstate the clubs as soon as we are allowed.

The guidance is to limit the number of different students in their own year group bubbles mixing outside of lessons and to reduce non-essential journeys. In the meantime, we would encourage all of our students and families to keep active in their own homes, in their own way. Thank you for your understanding.

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