21 March 2024 | Sven Wardle | Posted in: Academic, News, Primary Transition
As part of the Ogden Trust Partnership between the secondary schools in the Areté Learning Trust and their local primary schools, a Year 4 class from St. Mary’s visited Richmond School recently to investigate how stretchy a variety of sweets were!
The Ogden Trust Partnership aims to promote collaboration between secondary schools and primary schools to enhance the teaching and learning of Physics, inspiring students to take the subject further as they progress through their education.
Abbie Hope, coordinator of the Ogden Trust Partnership across the Areté Learning Trust schools, had visited St. Mary’s to launch British Science Week 2024 (8th to 17th March). This was followed up by the Year 4 visit to Richmond School. A Year 3 class will visit after Easter.
Mrs Harrison, Lead Teacher of Physics at Richmond School, led the session, ably assisted by Tom Grigg, Year 12 physics student. Mrs Harrison had this to say about the visit: “The students were amazing and were shocked to find out how much weight a simple peach ring could hold!
“Many thanks to Mr. Stockton (Year 4 teacher) for bringing his class to us during National Science Week, to see what science is like in a secondary school. Also a big thank you to Tom Grigg, who gave up his free time to work with the primary students and help them with the practical. We look forward to seeing the Year 3 students after the Easter holidays.”