29 November 2023 | Sven Wardle | Posted in: News
The cast and crew of this year’s Richmond School panto, ‘The Wizard of Oz’, are busy rehearsing in preparation for their first evening performance on Tuesday 5th December.
We were recently invited to a rehearsal to take some photos of the cast in action, and from what we saw, it’s going to be amazing!
Singing, dancing, goodies, baddies, witches, fairies, flying monkeys – everything you could possibly want and expect from a good Christmas panto!
Have you got your tickets yet?!
Tuesday 5th, Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th December.
Adults: £7
Children: £5
Family (2 adults, 2 children): £20
Doors open at 6:30pm. Curtains up at: 7pm.
Tickets are available at:
These photos are of some of the cast in partial costume, with no stage makeup on a stage that is yet to be built – expect an even more fabulous and colourful ensemble on the night!
More photos to come in the following days as the countdown continues…