Headteacher’s Values Award Winner – Savannah Walker
20 April 2021 | Jill Lundberg | Posted in: Headteacher's Values Award
The Headteacher’s Values Award was presented to Savannah Walker, in Year 11. Savannah received two separate nominations, the first time this has ever happened. She was nominated by Mrs Barber and Mrs Wand.
Mrs Barber said: “I would like to nominate Savannah for the Headteacher’s Values Award. Savannah has shown real resilience in her approach to all of her Art work over the past two terms, during the lockdown period and whilst in school. Her confidence, maturity and motivation have had a highly positive impact on her creations and she is working hard to complete all tasks. Savannah has frequently completed significantly more work for homework than has been set and she is pushing herself to achieve the best-possible grade that she is capable of. This was particularly evident in her achievements over the Easter holidays. It has been a pleasure to see Savannah develop such a mature and conscientious approach in Art. She has transformed her coursework with her dedication and independence. This is to her credit and will have an incredible impact on her grade. Well done Savannah.”
Mrs Wand said: “I would like to nominate Savannah for the Headteacher’s Values Award. She has been consistent in her positive and proactive approach to her learning in English throughout the GCSE course, including during the recent lockdown. She gives everything 100% effort and will always seek and follow advice or reassurance when needed. She has been particularly focused on being the best she can be in recent weeks in the preparation for the assessment period, working tirelessly at home to produce lots of effective revision materials. She also sent me several essays that she has written independently to practise writing about each of the characters in ‘An Inspector Calls’. Through a combination of resilience, determination and sheer hard work, she has made significant progress and should be really proud of her efforts.”