Headteacher’s Values Award winner: Matty Callender
11 February 2020 | Jill Lundberg | Posted in: Headteacher's Values Award
The Headteacher’s Values Award was presented to Matty Callender, in Year 11. Matty was nominated by Ms Dunwoodie who said: “Matty Callender is a fantastic example of a young man who has developed resilience and transformed. Since January, Matty has not only achieved 10 Star Performers in 3 weeks (4 in one day!), but he has also made a notable improvement in his effort and approach to his learning.
“Whilst on break duty recently, Ms Bainbridge spoke glowingly about Matty and how he is working significantly harder. He has attended intervention and been an asset to the group and he no longer relies on Google translate! Matty also scored the winner in the County Cup match for a slightly depleted Year 11 team this week and continues to be a star of that team. Well done Matty and we know that with continued hard work and determination, you will be very successful.”