Headteacher’s Values Award
28 June 2022 | Jill Lundberg | Posted in: Headteacher's Values Award, News
The Headteacher’s Values Award was presented to Sophie White and Emmy Raggett.
Sophie and Emmy were nominated by Miss Abbey, who wrote: “I would like to nominate Sophie White, in Year 7, and Emmy Raggett, in Year 8, for the school values of excellence, teamwork and respect. As Girl’s Cricket Captain (Sophie) and Vice-Captain (Emmy) they have done a remarkable job of leading the newly formed team through a number of cricket competitions this term. The captaincy role in cricket comes with a much greater responsibility in comparison to other sports. They have carefully selected the starting line up and batting/bowler order for each match to make sure all players had fair opportunity to gain experience, and despite their young age, they have shown great maturity in making crucial tactical decisions ‘on the field’ in order to give the team the best chance of success.
“I have no doubt that their excellent leadership and care of the team have been the main reason that the girls reached the U15 Yorkshire finals and have also made it through to the semi-finals of the U14 Lauren Winfield-Hill Cup next week. Even though the majority of the team are older than Sophie and Emmy the whole team has a great respect for their knowledge and ability as both cricket players and leaders.”