16 January 2023 | Jill Lundberg | Posted in: Alumni, Community, Performing Arts
There’s still time to catch another panto before the season is over for another year – one that stars some of our former students! Dalton Amateur Dramatic Society are performing Rapunzel from Thursday 16th to Saturday 18th February. There are four performances – 7:30 pm each evening with a 2:30pm matinee on 18th February – you can book your tickets (£7 adults/£4.50 children under 10) online here.
The group have put on some fabulous pantomimes over the years, such as Peter Pan, Puss in Boots and Beauty and the Beast, and tickets always sell out very quickly, so don’t miss out! Once again, the production will be directed by Becca Blenkiron and Adam Wallis, who also perform in the show. Other alumni who are involved as cast or in key back-stage roles include: Stephen Longstaff, Martin Wallis, Ellie Blenkiron and Emma Hodgson.
You can catch some clips from previous pantomimes below:
Panto clip 1
Panto clip 2
Panto clip 3