Ed Sets the Stage for Theatrical Career
19 May 2015 | Jill Lundberg | Posted in: News
Richmond School and Sixth Form College student Ed Batchelor saw off competition from over 4,000 hopefuls from across the UK to secure a place at the National Youth Theatre, London, where students are taught a range of skills and acting techniques by professionals within the industry. Sixth former Ed, 17, of Melsonby, who performed a monologue from a school production of Nicholas Nickleby for his audition, said: “I’ve always known that I wanted to be an actor ever since I was four-years-old. “I was watching an episode of Friends on the television and asked my mum what the people were doing; she explained that they were acting, pretending to be someone else, and I thought, I could do that. “Since then I’ve been part of a number of productions and have been so lucky to have been able to work with really talented drama students and teachers here at Richmond School who have been real role models for me.” The National Youth Theatre, London, has launched the careers of some of Britain’s biggest stars, including Dame Helen Mirren, Orlando Bloom, Daniel Craig, Colin Firth, Daniel Day-Lewis, Sheridan Smith, Matt Smith, Jude Law, Matt Lucas and David Walliams. “I was incredibly shocked when I got the e-mail telling me that I’d been offered a place and ran downstairs to tell my parents,” said Ed. “Even when I was at the audition I didn’t really think I’d get through. “My style of acting is naturalistic, I don’t overplay emotions and I try to be true to the character I’m playing and I hope that is what the panel saw when I performed.” After completing the two-week long course at The National Theatre over the summer Ed will be eligible to audition for productions within the company that are staged in London’s West End. Leader of community art at Richmond School and Sixth Form College Ian Henderson added: “This is such exciting news. I am so proud of Ed and what he has achieved. When he came to us in Year 11 he was put forward to take a Silver Art Award, the equivalent of a BTEC in drama, but it was soon very apparent that he had the talent, drive and ambition to take the subject at GCSE, which he passed with a deserved A grade. “Ed may still be in the early stages of exploring and honing his performances but he absorbs everything around him and takes all experience on board. This will be an amazing opportunity for him to watch, learn and gain the knowledge he needs to progress further in his acting career.”