» News » Captain Tom 100 – do it your way

Captain Tom 100 – do it your way

28 April 2021  |  Jill Lundberg  |  Posted in:

It would have been Captain  Sir Tom’s 101st birthday on Friday 30 April. You can join in and celebrate his life and legacy by taking part in the Captain Tom 100 – click HERE to find out more.

All you need to do is take on a challenge based around the number 100, then complete it between Friday 30th April and Monday 3rd May. The challenge can be tailored to suit all ages and abilities: it could be to read 100 pages in a book, give 100 compliments, run 100 metres, learn to count to 100 or solve maths problems to do with the number 100. Raise money for The Captain Tom Foundation or your chosen good cause, or just do your Captain Tom 100 challenge for fun!

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