Calling Year 7 and 8 students to be part of BFBS Radio’s shout outs
14 January 2021 | Jill Lundberg | Posted in: Community
We have recently been involved in some work with BFBS Catterick and they have asked our students to be part of an exciting ‘lockdown learning shout outs’ project. The ‘shout outs’ will be broadcast at 8.10am each day (start date tbc) across all BFBS Base stations in the UK and will also be on DAB+. We are targeting this opportunity at our Year 7 and Year 8 students. Parents and Carers: If your son or daughter would like to participate in this project, please ask him/her to follow these simple instructions:
• Make a voice recording onto your smart phone by following the script/guide below:
“Hi! My name is XXXXX, I’m XXXXX years old and in Year 7/8. My favourite lockdown learning subjects are XXXXX and XXXXX. I love XXXXX (list hobbies tv shows, favourite food etc) but I don’t like XXXXX. I’m sending my Lockdown Learning Shout out to XXXXX’ (name of friends, family siblings etc)
Please ensure your recording is clear and not rushed and submit your recording by midday on Tuesday 19th January to Mrs Lundberg via Good luck and we look forward to hearing from you!