» News » British Army careers’ event engages students with teamwork, leadership and problem-solving activities

British Army careers’ event engages students with teamwork, leadership and problem-solving activities

28 March 2023  |  Jill Lundberg  |  Posted in: ,

Sixty students in Years 11 to 13 worked in partnership with the British Army to gain an insight into the wide variety of careers pathways within the Army. All the students who took part really benefited from the event and were able to develop their strategic thinking and teamwork skills through a series of practical sessions and workshops.

The careers presentation was very informative and students asked questions about Army life and the different jobs available. Furthermore, students had a taste of Army teamwork and problem solving through hands-on and confidence-building activities to develop their mental and physical attributes.

Mr Birdsall, Service Children’s Advocate, said: “The event was a huge success. Many of our Year 11 students gained knowledge and understanding of what is available to them within the Army. This has given them more motivation to do well in their upcoming summer examinations as they embark on their further education journeys, as well as given them options on life after GCSEs and A-levels.”

Team leader Corporal Stephen said: “The kids were a pleasure, very engaging, needed little to no instruction when completing the tasks and were very respectful towards us and the equipment. We all agreed that it was one of, if not the best schools we have been to in the time we have been doing this.”

Richmond School and Sixth Form College will continue to work with the British Army to link school subjects to real-world careers and to promote the British Army as a viable post-16 and post-18 option. Currently, we have two current Year 11s who are halfway through the process of applying and joining the Army Foundation College (AFC) at Harrogate.  At the AFC they will complete their ‘Junior Entry Phase 1 training establishment’ in the British Army. The College plays a vital role in providing the basic military training and developing future leadership. It offers a mix of military training, personal development, and education for under 19s that provides them skills to succeed in the Armed Forces, and their lives beyond the military.

We are very much looking forward to working with the British Army again next year on their work experience residential programme and their elite skills sessions for students across the whole school. Students should look out for information on these events on google classroom and how to participate in these excellent opportunities.

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