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We are so impressed with the fabulous artwork our students have created in preparation for the upcoming festival of remembrance at Ripon Cathedral. Twenty-two service students and their peers have designed and created some stunning poppy inspired mandalas which will be displayed around the altar at the Festival of Remembrance at Ripon Cathedral on 14th November 2023.
The aim of the workshop was to create the poppy-inspired mandalas by using paint and dotting tools to create intricate patterns. As part of the session students looked at the history and importance of the poppy as well as having the opportunity to talk to fellow service students and peers about what remembrance means to them.
Mr Birdsall, Richmond School and Sixth Forms Service Children’s Advocate, said: “The students worked really hard throughout the workshop and have created some stunning designs which I can’t wait to see on display in Ripon Cathedral. They have really embraced the significance of their work and It was great seeing service students and their peers from different years talking and collaborating on such a lovely project.
We are looking forward to taking part in the Festival of Remembrance where two of our service students will be the standard bearers as well as an additional two students providing Bible readings for the service.”
Well done to all Richmond School students for engaging so positively with the workshop and producing such high quality work, and thank you to Mr. Birdsall for organising the event. We look forward to hearing about the Festival of Remembrance service in November.
Read More...Year 12 students, Michael Hoyt and Jordan Rathbone, appeared on BBC TV and Radio York during the recent HMS Heroes Festival of Remembrance Service at Ripon Cathedral. The two students performed the role of escorting the HMS Heroes Standard. The service was attended by over 500 services children from across North Yorkshire, Pete Dwyer who is the Director of NYCC Children and Young Peoples Services, Colonel Butterwick, Officers from Catterick Garrison, and the High Sherriff of North Yorkshire who represented the Queen.
Read More...Remembrance is an important event at Richmond School and Sixth Form College, especially because of the close links we have with Catterick Garrison and the significant number of our students who come from families with connections to the Services.
Our staff and students have been involved in a number of events on and around Remembrance Day. Thanks to everyone who contributed, both to the events themselves and to the reports afterwards, especially to Mrs Cheesbrough, our Service Children’s Advocate.
Remembrance Parade and Festival, London.
We start in London, at the Remembrance Parade. Jon Giddens, our indefatigable Site Team Leader, made his customary journey down to the capital to march past the Cenotaph with The Royal Signals Association. Jon also attended the Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall.
He said: “On Sunday, I marched with the Royal Signals Association at the London Cenotaph Remembrance Day Parade as I have done for several years now. The parade enables former soldiers to remember fallen comrades of past conflicts. I spent 23 years in the Royal Corps. of Signals, leaving in 2012 as a Staff Sergeant. I served in Germany, Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan and exercised in many other countries.
This year it was a great privilege to also attend the Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall, featuring the North Yorkshire’s Service Children Community Choir with students from several of our local schools – it was a very moving experience.”
Festival of Remembrance, Ripon Cathedral.
Closer to home, at Ripon Cathedral on the Wednesday before Remembrance Sunday, students from Richmond School and Sixth Form College played a significant role in the annual Festival of Remembrance.
Mrs Cheesbrough takes up the story:
“Each year Angela Campbell, Service Children’s Champion, organises the annual Festival of Remembrance at Ripon Cathedral for children from military families to commemorate the sacrifices of our nation’s heroes, past and present. It is attended by over 600 students and their teachers, alongside representatives of the North Yorkshire Council and local military units.
This year, Richmond School was privileged to play an important role in the Service, with our school Orchestra and Concert Band being requested to perform the music for the entire event. The Orchestra and Concert Band, led by My Boyd, Lead Teacher of Music, did an outstanding job.
Music plays such a pivotal role in military life, with bands playing an integral role in all military parades and services throughout the year. It was an honour to continue this tradition of music in the Cathedral to commemorate the lives, service and sacrifice of all military families. As part of the service, Richmond also performed alongside the Service Children’s Choir, who were recently invited to perform at the Royal Albert Hall. We were excited to see one of our students, Summer Taylor, singing there too!
Two students, Freddie Lundberg and Tom Grigg, also had the honour of performing the Last Post. No mean feat in front of such an audience and for such an important event. A video of the entire service can be found here:
In preparation for the service, Mrs Cheesbrough took two service students, Izzy Barnes and Taylor Edmonds, to the Green Howards Museum to participate in a research project. Each of the participating schools ‘adopted’ a soldier whose framed image featured in a procession at the Festival of Remembrance. Izzy and Taylor were inspired by their stories and accompanied the Orchestra to Ripon Cathedral to take part in Remembrance with their soldier. By honouring their legacy, we ensure that their stories live on and inspire future generations.
With such high numbers of service students, we are incredibly proud of all the students who represented Richmond School and Sixth Form College this week, who all contributed to making Remembrance such a significant part of school life. Thank you.”
Mr Boyd had this to say about the musicians’ performances: “It truly was an incredible experience and one that I hope our students will remember for a very long time.
Our musicians produced one of their most remarkable performances, supporting the wider community with their excellent music making. Accompanying the choirs and congregational singing was a pleasure, with a particular highlight for me being the National Anthem near the end, where we performed with such exuberance and joy.
My thanks go to the students for their continued commitment to performing and to the North Yorkshire Council for inviting us to perform, giving us such a beautiful platform to share our music.”
Thanks to for some of the photos from Ripon Cathedral.
Wreath laying ceremony, Richmond.
On Remembrance Sunday itself Mrs Potter, Headteacher, and Mrs Cheesbrough were joined by two Year 7 students at the wreath laying ceremony in Friary Gardens, Richmond.
Mrs Cheesbrough gives us an insight into the event:
“On behalf of all our service children in school, Sabrina Schutte and Luke Murrell laid the wreath at the Remembrance Service and parade at Friary Gardens.
It was inspirational to see so many students within the parade from Richmond School representing many different organisations such as the Scouts, Cadets and Guides. During the wreath laying, both students represented the school brilliantly, showing the upmost respect for those who have lost their lives in conflict.
I am really looking forward to continuing to work with such inspiring students throughout the year in my role of Service Children’s Advocate. I am so proud of the students who have represented the school and college at such formal events over the past week.”
At Richmond School and Sixth Form College.
Throughout the week leading up to Monday’s two minute’s silence at Richmond School and Sixth Form College, Mrs. Mawer, Lead Teacher of History had delivered a series of poignant assemblies on those who had fallen in conflict and remembering those who were conscripted to National Service.
Service children representing a new initiative in school, the ‘Service Children’s Voice’, had taken the time to make a series of poppy-themed artworks, now on display in Tesco, Catterick.
On Remembrance Day itself, Monday 11th, all students at the school and Sixth Form College prepared for the customary two minute’s silence, preceded by two lone trumpeters playing the Last Post.
Mrs Cheesbrough, again, describes the scene:
At 11:00 on Monday morning, Richmond School and Sixth Form College fell silent as Tom Grigg and Freddie Lundberg played a pivotal role this Remembrance Day, alongside students representing the Cadets, Guides and Scouts.
They played the Last Post as individuals – Tom in the Foyer of the Sixth Form College and Freddie at the West Door of Clarke Hall – his performance was broadcast across the school from speakers on the West Door steps. On the same steps, Richmond School Cadets, Guides and Scouts proudly wore their uniforms and stood with their heads bowed. It was a privilege to watch the students come together in respect for those who have lost their lives in conflict.
Their performances marked the start of a two minute’s silence – every student and staff member stopped and took this chance to reflect.”
You can watch a video of Tom’s performance at this link:
Freddie’s performance, along with the Cadets, Scouts and Guides on the Clarke Hall West Steps can be seen at this link:
Mrs Potter, Headteacher, has the final word:
“It is an incredibly poignant time across the nation and once again, our students have shown such respect for those who have served and who continue to serve our country. It is both moving and comforting to see the annual traditions in both the school and the town being upheld more strongly than ever. Thank you to everyone who has been involved in this year’s Richmond School and Sixth Form College Remembrance events.”
Read More...As has been the case for many years, Richmond School and Sixth Form College’s students and staff played a proud part in a variety of events commemorating Remembrance Day across the county and further afield.
Starting furthest away, Jon Giddens, Richmond School and Sixth Form College’s indomitable Site Team Leader made his customary journey to London to take part in the Remembrance Parade at the London Cenotaph.
Jon said: “I marched with the Royal Signals Association at the London Cenotaph Remembrance Day Parade as I have done for several years now. The parade enables former soldiers to remember fallen comrades of past conflicts. I spent 23 years in the Royal Corps. of Signals, leaving in 2012 as a Staff Sergeant. I served in Germany, Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan and exercised in many other countries.”
Closer to home, Richmond School students joined over 700 children of Armed Forces personnel at the Service of Remembrance at Ripon Cathedral.
Mr. Birdsall, the school’s Service Children’s Advocate, had this to say: “James Hall and Skye Cox in Year 8 and Freddie Hobson and Lars Bryan in Year 9 were honoured to attend the Service of Remembrance at Ripon Cathedral on Friday.
The Cathedral was full to capacity with service children from across North Yorkshire. Lars was proud to be a standard bearer. A Parade Marshal from the Royal British Legion showed Lars how to carry the standard before he joined the parade with the Royal British Legion standard bearers. Skye and James also contributed to the service with a reading from the bible.
The students were delighted to see a display of artwork at the altar which included designs created by our service students.”
The artwork mentioned above included more than 300 poppy mandalas created by students during 16 workshops at schools in the months leading up to the festival. We reported on the workshop run at Richmond School earlier on in the term here:
North Yorkshire County Council have a more detailed report here:
Back in Richmond, our students took part in two events. James Hall and Skye Cox laid the wreath at the Remembrance Service at Friary Gardens. James and Skye were joined by Jenna Potter, Headteacher, and Mr. Birdsall, Service Children’s Advocate.
Jenna Potter said: “Each year, many of our students take part in Parades and Remembrance Services in Richmondshire and across the Dales representing the Ministry of Defence Cadet Forces, Scouts, the Emergency Services and other organisations. Thank you to all our students who have been involved in this most important occasion and for showing the utmost respect for those who have lost their lives in conflict.
I would also like to extend my appreciation to all the students in school and college who have devoted time to creating so many beautiful memorials. I have been hugely impressed by our service students who created the poppy inspired mandalas that were displayed at the Service of Remembrance at Ripon Cathedral”
Mr. Birdsall added: “As Richmond School and Sixth Form College’s Service Children’s Advocate, it has been a huge honour to be involved in this year’s events to commemorate Remembrance. Our service students are an incredible group of students and they embody such resilience and determination. The support they have for each other is outstanding and I am so proud of the students who represented the school and college at these formal events. I am looking forward to working more closely with our service students throughout the year.”
Also in the town, two of Richmond School’s musicians, Freddie Lundberg and Tom Grigg joined with representatives from the Royal British Legion to perform The Last Post. In the market square, those within earshot fell silent as the brass notes faded and 11 o’ clock struck.
You can see their performance here:
At Richmond School and Sixth Form College, Tom and Freddie also played a pivotal role. They played the Last Post as individuals – Tom in the Foyer of the Sixth Form College and Freddie at the West Door of Clarke Hall – his performance was broadcast across the school from speakers on the West Door steps, where Richmond School cadets, proudly wearing their Ministry of Defence uniforms, stood with their heads bowed.
Their performances marked the start of a two minute silence – every student and staff member stopped and took this chance to reflect.
You can see Tom’s performance here:
And Freddie’s here:
In addition to Freddie’s duties in Richmond, he then travelled to Mossley, near Manchester, to play trumpet and march through the village with students and staff from Mossley Hollins High School. A busy weekend!
Throughout the week leading up to the two minute’s silence at Richmond School, Mrs. Mawer, Lead Teacher of History had delivered a series of poignant assemblies on those who had fallen in conflict and remembering those who were conscripted to National Service.
The commemoration of Remembrance Day means a great deal to the students and staff of Richmond School and Sixth Form College, as well as our wider community. Once again we have been proud to support this year’s wide range of events and to showcase the respect, determination and teamwork of our amazing students and staff.
Read More...On behalf of all our Service Children in school and college, Molly Patterson and Freddy Godfrey laid the wreath at the Remembrance Service at Friary Gardens. Freddy and Molly, Year 7 students, were joined by Jenna Potter, Headteacher, and Stephen Birdsall, Service Children’s Advocate.
Jenna Potter said: “Each year, many of our students take part in Parades and Remembrance Services in Richmondshire and across the Dales representing the Ministry of Defence Cadet Forces, Scouts, the Emergency Services and other organisations. Thank you to all our students who have been involved in this most important occasion and for showing the utmost respect for those who have lost their lives in conflict.
“I would also like to extend my appreciation to all the students in school and college who have devoted time to creating so many beautiful memorials. I have been hugely impressed by all the designs including: our service students who created the crowns and medals that were displayed at the Service of Remembrance at Ripon Cathedral, the Textiles Club’s stunning poppy dress and the History’ Club’s poignant memorials to those former students who lost their lives in WW1 and WW2 and to Queen Elizabeth II.”
Stephen Birdsall added: “This is my first year as Richmond School and Sixth Form College’s Service Children’s Advocate and it has been a great honour to be involved in so many events to commemorate Remembrance. Our Service Students are a wonderful group and they embody such resilience and really support each other. I am looking forward to working more closely with them throughout the year.”
Read More...Lilly and Tamara, in Year 7, and John and Charlie in Year 11 were honoured to attend the Service of Remembrance at Ripon Cathedral on Friday. The four service students were accompanied by Mrs Potter, Headteacher, and Mr Birdsall, Service Children’s Advocate. The Cathedral was full to capacity with service children from across North Yorkshire. John was proud to be a standard bearer. A Parade Marshal from the Royal British Legion showed John how to carry the standard before he joined the parade with the Royal British Legion standard bearers.
The students were delighted to see a display of artwork which included designs created by our service students.
We will be commemorating Remembrance throughout the week with assemblies, displaying other artwork in school and culminating with the last post and two minutes’ silence on Friday.
Read More...We are so impressed with the fabulous artwork our students have created in remembrance of our late monarch HM Queen Elizabeth II. Students, including 40 of service students, have designed and created some stunning crowns as well as medal designs which will be displayed at the Service of Remembrance at Ripon Cathedral on 4th November.
The Queen’s service during the Second World War and her involvement and commitment to our Serving personnel and families throughout her 70 years as Commander-in-Chief of the British Armed Forces will be recognised during the service.
The medal designs will be pinned up on large notice boards at the front of Ripon Cathedral for all guests to see as they arrive for the service and the crowns will be displayed around the altar.
The artwork project was led by Catherine and Dove from Rural Arts, on behalf of Never Such Innocence. The charity, Never Such Innocence, began as a First World War commemoration project for children and young people. Inspired by this conflict, more than 11,000 young people from 47 different countries, territories and dependencies created poetry, artwork, and songs. From 2019 they expanded their focus to include conflict in all forms and throughout history, up to and including the present day. To date, young people in over 120 countries have participated in their work which is delivered in three key ways: Workshops, Special Events and an International Competition.
Mr Birdsall, Richmond School and Sixth Forms Service Children’s Advocate, said: “The students have worked really hard throughout the two workshops and have created some stunning designs which I can’t wait to see on display in Ripon Cathedral. They have really embraced the significance of their work and have done this with the utmost of respect for Queen Elizabeth II and everything she did to support the Armed Services during the war and until her recent passing.”
You can find out more about the work of Never Such Innocence here and Rural Arts here.
Read More...This year, our late monarch HM Queen Elizabeth II will be commemorated at the North Yorkshire Remembrance Service at Ripon Cathedral. The Queen’s service during the Second World War and her involvement and commitment to our Serving personnel and families during her 70 years as Commander-in-Chief of the British Armed Forces will be recognised.
Students are invited to design a medal and/or a crown as there will be displays of the artwork and designs at the Remembrance Service at Ripon Cathedral. If you’d like to be part of this, then please read the details below.
MEDALS: Design a medal to commemorate a relative who fought in the war or recognising a serving parent/family member. These will be pinned up on the large noticeboards at the front of Ripon Cathedral for all guests to see as they arrive for the service.
CROWNS: Be part of a larger project and contribute to design and make a large crown, or a piece of art depicting a crown, commemorating HM Queen Elizabeth II’s life and particularly her involvement with the Armed Forces. It would be great to see: Corgis, Paddington, reference to her time as a mechanic in WWII, anything relating to the Queen as Commander-in-Chief of the British Forces. These crowns will be displayed around the altar at the service in the Cathedral.
Templates for the medals can be collected from Mrs Farquhar in the library, or alternatively download one HERE.
Please leave your medal artwork and model crowns with Mrs Farquhar in the library by Friday, 14th October.
Read More...We are proud of our students and staff who took part in Remembrance Services and Parades across Richmondshire and further afield at the weekend. Students represented the Ministry of Defence Cadet Forces, Scouts and other organisations and Rori and Ems, Year 7 and 8 service students, laid a wreath on behalf of the school in Friary Gardens. Mrs Potter, Headteacher, said: “Rori and Ems were the most excellent ambassadors for our school in the way that they conducted themselves so respectfully throughout the Remembrance Service and wreath laying ceremony. It was a privilege for us to have been part of these events.”
Jon Giddens, our Maintenance Manager who served in the Royal Signals from 1989 to 2012, took part in the parade in London and said: “It was an absolute honour to be once again attending the Remembrance Parade at the Cenotaph in London.”
Theo, Rosemary and Scarlett, Year 7 service students, attended the Service to Remember at Ripon Cathedral on Friday with Mrs Potter and Mrs Gleave. They were delighted to see the stunning wall hanging that our Year 7 students created by making 100 poppies.
Read More...Service students from schools across North Yorkshire will gather at Ripon Cathedral on Friday, 12 November, for a Remembrance service for children of military services personnel. You can tune in to the live streaming at 1pm at HERE.
This year, as we celebrate the poppy being used as a symbol of remembrance for 100 years, our students have created 100 stunning poppies which will be showcased as a wall hanging in the cathedral. A small group of service students will attend the Service, as visitor numbers are limited this year, but the live streaming will enable many more to be able to take part.
This is the ninth of the Ripon Cathedral services organised by North Yorkshire County Council’s Service Children’s Champions, who support the county’s large number of service children.